Productlane changelog

Companies & Insight trends

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The new week comes with a new key feature in Productlane: Companies. Because insights often come from multiple people within the same organization, the company is now generated from your user's email. If you give it a segment, it will show on every employee's insight.

Insight trends

Next to the project and issue importance score is now the trend to see if a new topic is rising. The score shows you the increase since the last four weeks, so you can find out if something is still relevant or might have been fixed with another feature.

Preview: Display issues

A long-awaited feature is coming very soon: We struggled long if we wanted to build it because using projects to connect user insights gives you a better picture of your user's needs and doesn't clutter your issue backlog with feature ideas. But we now found a way to display both and released the first glimpse of it.

On your roadmap, there are now three new projects: Unstarted issues, Started issues, and Backlog issues. We're working on displaying their score and segments, calculating them into the linked projects, and automatically importing attachments from Zendesk, Intercom, Slack, or Front to Productlane to show you trending issues. Let us know what you think!

More improvements & fixes

  • Editor power users watch out: We just made your life simpler by adding the shortcut "CMD + shift + I/P" to quickly connect issues and projects with your keyboard

  • You can now view the team members who are in Productlane in your settings

  • We improved the project search, so you quickly find the projects you need

  • We added the description of a project to the public roadmap page, so you can double-check that no internal notes are published

  • You can now search the Linear issue ID in the Issue picker

  • We made some improvements to our API docs (check them out, they're beautiful – thanks to Merlin)

  • Segments are now in the main navigation, as you might want to edit them frequently

  • Fixed the date picker closing on click in Safari

  • On the people page, you could only view three upvotes. Fixed.