Productlane changelog
New Feedback Portal

We revamped one of our most popular features and made it more robust, secure, and clean: Our portal helps you make issues and projects from your Linear feature request team public for your users or team. Now with these new features:
User login: Your users can now sign up on the portal page to verify their email, track the feedback they gave you over time, and get automatic updates on newly added projects or issues.
A new way to upvote: We changed the functionality of the upvote button to directly prompt users for more feedback after they upvote.
Changelog tabs: When you share new updates with users, they can now directly switch to the portal and give more feedback with our new tabs at the top.
Calendar integration
You can now connect your calendar here in the settings to let Productlane automatically join your meetings, take timestamped notes, and connect these directly with Linear issues and projects so your engineers have full context.
Zoom support for call recorder
For all of you, who don't use Google Meet or Teams, you can now also enjoy our new call recorder using Zoom. Connect Zoom here in the settings.
More improvements
You can now choose your own OG Image for the portal
The Linear issue attachement now changes when person or company is changed
You can now transfer the owner role in the settings
The Slack integration has been improved, so no images or formatting gets lost
We now support markdown on Linear issue attachements
Only show the highlighted part of the feedback in the Linear issue attachment
Fix into linear sync extreme loading times
Improved styling of segments to make it more scannable
You can now add labels and projects when creating issues
Added search icon to contacts page
Added CSV Export button in settings
You can now allow email access to a workspace
Added roadmap issues to API and upvote endpoint
Bug fixes
Improved stability of the Slack integration
Fixed error while editing changelog page
Improved video player loading time for insights to enhance UX
Fixed bug causing duplicate projects
Fixed inability to open links when highlighted
Added missing completed status in project selector
Issues from invisible teams were visible on issues. Fixed!
Fixed Slack bot sometimes not responding
Resolved issue with theme settings not saving
Fixed missing first message from Intercom in note
Made Linear synching more robust
Addressed speaker change affecting transcripts
Fixed inability to remove Company segment
Resolved video player issues on Safari browser