Productlane changelog

New editor preview

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Our vision is to create a new standard for product discovery. To help you identify impact, align your team and close the feedback loop with customers.

Today, we're one step closer to that vision, as we're launching a preview of our new editor: You can now add user interview notes and longer feedbacks and connect parts of that with projects.

We're right now adding the possibility to connect multiple issues and display them within Productlane, and more improvements on the editor are coming, so stay tuned!

Other Improvements

  • Removed Milestones from "Create project" and "Edit project" page

  • Limited the maximum number of segments shown on the projects page

  • Users can now sort projects on the public roadmap

  • Adjusted the position of the CMD K shortcut

  • Added a chevron arrow next to a person's name in the insights section to open their profile

  • Added a button for adding people in the people selector

  • Improved the people picker


  • Fixed an issue where an endless spinner would appear if a feedback was submitted without selecting a person

  • Improved the hover effect on project for the public roadmap

  • Fixed a bug where the team was not synced when creating a project from within Productlane

  • Allowed other files than PNGs for changelog image upload

  • Fixed an error message that appeared when creating a project without a status

  • Fixed a bug in the changelog with long URLs

  • Fixed an error that occurred when saving feedback

  • Fixed a bug where project links were not working

  • Fixed a 502 error that occurred when uploading GIFs in the changelog

  • Fixed an issue where the people creator would fade away

  • Added the "Give Feedback" link when the project doesn't have a description

  • Fixed a bug where the company logo was not displaying on the public roadmap